United Ireland referendum is inevitable after Brexit, says Irish parliamentary report author

‘A referendum on a united Ireland is inevitable following the Brexit vote, the author of a report by an Irish parliamentary committee says.
The study urges both Dublin and London not to repeat the fallout from Britain’s EU referendum by failing to prepare for the possibility it will lead to Irish reunification.
Mark Daly, the Fianna Fáil Senator, who compiled the report, said: “Last year, our former Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, said the EU needs to prepare for a united Ireland.
“And it’s clear from the 17 recommendations by the committee that a lot of work needs to be done in advance of a referendum.”
Mr Daly added: “From talking to people in both communities in the North, it is clear that everybody believes that at some stage there will be a referendum.’
Read more: United Ireland referendum is inevitable after Brexit, says Irish parliamentary report author

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