‘US silence on settlements, two-state solution encouraging Israel’s apartheid policies’

‘Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat has denounced US President Donald Trump’s administration over his silence on the expansion of settlements in the occupied territories as well as failure to prop up the so-called two-state solution, stressing that such a conduct has encouraged the Israeli regime to continue its “apartheid” policies.
“The fact the US administration did not declare the final goal of the peace process is to achieve two states on the basis of the 1967 borders, and its silence regarding the intensification of Israeli colonial settlement activities, are interpreted by the Israeli government as an opportunity to destroy the two-state solution and replace it with one state with two systems,” Erekat, who is also the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said on Tuesday.
He added that the American administration’s perceived silence is an “obstacle” to a new round of so-called peace negotiations between Palestinians and the Israeli regime.
Since the inauguration of Trump in January, the regime in Tel Aviv has stepped up its construction of settler units on occupied Palestinian land in a blatant violation of international law.’
Read more: ‘US silence on settlements, two-state solution encouraging Israel’s apartheid policies’

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