US to Hand Raqqa Over to ISIS Affiliates After ‘Defeating’ ISIS

‘US policymakers have recently announced plans to hand over control of the Syrian city of Raqqa to former Islamic State (ISIS)-affiliated officials, Newsweek would report.
In its article, “Syria: Arab Tribes Who Once Supported ISIS Turn to U.S. As Endgame Being In Raqqa,” Newsweek reports:
A top U.S. diplomat in the fight against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has praised recent talks with Syrian tribal leaders slated to play a large role in governing Raqqa once the jihadis are expelled.
But the plan to create a careful balance of local power on the ground in Raqqa that will likely see former ISIS-affiliated officials ultimately in charge could cause a split between the U.S. and its Kurdish allies.
What appears to be ill-conceived policy is in fact the United States providing direct military protection to the remnants of terrorist organizations operating in Syria it has supported, including fighters of the so-called “Islamic State.”’
Read more: US to Hand Raqqa Over to ISIS Affiliates After ‘Defeating’ ISIS

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