Vaccines ‘altering’ human genes? Low levels of mercury exposure found to alter gene expression while causing extreme neurological disorders

‘Pregnant women, those who are trying to get pregnant, breastfeeding mothers, and young children, are all routinely cautioned against consuming fish like king mackerel, bigeye tuna, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish and tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, which are known to contain high levels of mercury. Studies have found that even small amounts of this neurotoxin are enough to “cause restricted brain development or other health problems for humans who eat them.” This damage is both severe and irreversible.
While several studies have been conducted to examine the toxicity of mercury in fish higher up the food chain, a recent study by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), published in the journal Scientific Reports, has more closely examined the effect of this heavy metal on the lower levels of the food chain, at the microalga level.’
Read more: Vaccines ‘altering’ human genes? Low levels of mercury exposure found to alter gene expression while causing extreme neurological disorders

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