VIPS Exposure of the Fraud Behind Russiagate Breaks Out in The Nation

The Nation, the oldest journal in the United States and one of the most widely read publications among liberals and progressives, has published a powerful and comprehensive report on the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) exposure of the Russiagate hoax, after its author interviewed four of the principal VIPS members on their work. The author, Patrick Lawrence, warns of the war danger generated by the anti-Russian hysteria, based on lies, concluding: “The investigators deserve a response, the betrayed professionals who formed VIPS as the WMD scandal unfolded in 2003 deserve it, and so do the rest of us. The cost of duplicity has rarely been so high.”

The LaRouche movement took it upon itself to get the VIPS report out to the world, to break through the refusal of the Congress to investigate it, and the refusal of the media to cover it. While circulating it worldwide since its release in July, LaRouchePAC volunteers have delivered the report to every member of the House and Senate intelligence and judicial committees. Today another team is getting the report into the Old Executive Office Building and the Department of Justice.

President Trump and Secretary Tillerson have made it abundantly clear that the world’s two nuclear superpowers must be friends, not enemies. The President also directly named the Congress as the responsible party for the dangerous state of affairs between these two nations, following the despicable, near-unanimous Congressional votes to impose sanctions on Russia, and even on the businesses of our allies who do business with Russia. The Congress must be forced to end the McCarthyite witchhunt, and to launch, instead, a full investigation into the lies of the war party, using the evidence in the VIPS report.

The war party is equally engaged in the current, escalating hysteria about North Korea. While the western press is full of wailing headlines, based on a fake “leak” in the Washington Post from an unnamed intelligence source, that North Korea is capable and prepared to nuke Guam, or even San Francisco or Washington (a lie easily refuted by any competent scientist or intelligence professional), the South Korean President’s office spokesperson told the press a very different story: “I do not agree with the claim that the Korean Peninsula faces an imminent crisis,” he said on background. He acknowledged that the crisis was serious, but added: “We are working to fundamentally resolve the North Korean nuclear and missile issues at the earliest date possible, and are working with a belief that the possibility is very high.” Tillerson told the press: “I do not believe there is any imminent threat, in my own view.”

The war party is intent on driving President Trump into a war with Russia and China, and to so terrify the American population that they will support it, or at least go along with it, as they did in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The problem lies in the psychological conditioning of the population over the generations since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, and especially since the assassination of Jack Kennedy. It is the British problem β€” the acceptance of empire, of geopolitics, that we can only get ahead at the expense of others, that mankind is no different from the dog-eat-dog world of wild animals. That British ideology rejects the very existence of a common aim for mankind as a whole, of what Xi Jinping calls “win-win” as the basis of the New Silk Road. It rejects the potential for creativity in every human being, which is the basis for human progress β€” which was once the common element of the American spirit.

This cultural decay was launched after JFK’s assassination, with the calculated inundation of the population with drugs, with increasingly degenerate noise passed off as music, with anti-science green propaganda, and with the substitution of unrestrained liberty for freedom. Now, the American population is experiencing the results: the worst drug crisis in history, affecting every family, while our industry has collapsed and the cities are crumbling, as in Manhattan.

These things cannot be simply fixed. It is the system, the British system, which has failed, and must be replaced, with a new application of the American system, as is now being implemented under China’s leadership β€” the New Silk Road to peace through development. Trump has committed himself and the nation to this new paradigm, but must be freed from the “color revolution” being waged against him by the war party. The VIPS report destroys the entire framework of the war party’s treason against America and the human race.

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