‘Weather wars’ theorists claim Hurricane Harvey was engineered, ‘steered’ toward Houston as a ‘weather terrorism’ weapon

‘We’re bringing this claim to your attention because a growing number of observers, websites and analysts are concluding that Hurricane Harvey was “engineered” and made into a “weather weapon” through a combination of ground-based temperature manipulation tools and “chemtrail” seeding.
Yes, it sounds absurd at first, until you realize that Al Gore tells us that human activity controls the climate every day. It’s called “climate change,” and in fact, Al Gore and the climate alarmists directly tell us that we created Hurricane Harvey and all the other “extreme” weather events anyone sees. Weather modification, in other words, has become the de facto belief of climate alarmists. The entire mainstream media routinely insists that hurricanes, droughts, floods, snowstorms and tornadoes are all unintentionally created by human activity.
The key difference between Al Gore and the “weather wars” theories is that those who believe in weather wars insist these hurricanes are deliberately created, selectively amplified and steered into selected targets.’

Read more: ‘Weather wars’ theorists claim Hurricane Harvey was engineered, ‘steered’ toward Houston as a ‘weather terrorism’ weapon

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