You Won’t Believe What The Government Is About To Privatise Next

‘Back in March 2016 I wrote a piece for the European Financial Review entitled “Mass privatisation masks Britain’s failed economic policies” which tells the story about how the Chancellor at the time, George Osborne, was selling off state assets at an unprecedented rate to shore up a failing economic plan.
The plan entailed reaching a target of £60 billion of state asset sales by year end 2016. The target was then extended so by the end of this parliament in 2020, that total will have reached a staggering £100 billion, (not including buildings or land, because the government refuses to respond to FoI requests on such sales) – more than Thatcher, Major, Blair and Brown combined.
I cited the disastrous sale of Britain’s blood plasma facility to a US private equity outfit. Britain’s self-sufficiency for blood and blood products vanished over-night and with it the safeguards most other countries around the world never enjoyed. The American company that bought it, has just sold it on again to a Chinese outfit and trousered nearly £600 million in just three years of ownership. Forget the health implications for Britain. Makes you wonder where all our generously and freely donated blood of 6,000 pints a day will end up.’
Read more: You Won’t Believe What The Government Is About To Privatise Next

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