35 False Matches And 1 Erroneous Arrest As UK Police Secretly Test Facial Recognition Technology

‘All things biometric are sweeping across the world at warp speed now, from security on planes and trains to check-ins at conferences and events, banking systems, etc. But the use of facial recognition tech in policing is being touted as the next big thing to keep the public safe. In fact, facial recognition technology is already working on the next level of development with researchers constructing new algorithms that supposedly can penetrate the most simple method of avoidance: wearing a mask.
However, a recent event in Britain should cause those who are high on this technology to rein in their enthusiasm. According to a Sky News report, a recent carnival in Notting Hill was treated as a testing ground for police facial recognition systems. The results were troubling.
The controversial trial of facial recognition equipment at Notting Hill Carnival resulted in roughly 35 false matches and an ‘erroneous arrest’ …
The system only produced a single accurate match during the course of Carnival, but the individual had already been processed by the justice system between the time police compiled the suspect database and deployed it.’
Read more: 35 False Matches And 1 Erroneous Arrest As UK Police Secretly Test Facial Recognition Technology

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