A New Provocation: US Establishes First Permanent Military Base Inside of Israel

‘In terms of US and Middle East geopolitics, something extremely significant has just taken place this week, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at the Western mainstream press. This latest addition to the Pentagon’s imperial portfolio of over 800 overseas military bases is sure to fuel even more resistance to what many see as a policy of global hegemony.
On Monday, the United States formally unveiled its plan to establish a permanent military installation inside of Israel.
The new US air defense base will be located in the Negev desert – a “base within a base” sharing the new location with an existing IDF facility at Mashabim Air Base located between the towns of Dimona and Yerucham. The base will fall under the umbrella of US European Command (EUCOM) headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.
Plans for the new US Air Force base began under former US president Barack Obama, and transitioned to formation under President Donald Trump.’
Read more: A New Provocation: US Establishes First Permanent Military Base Inside of Israel

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