A Vegan Mayo Company Was Attacked in a Malicious Hoax—Then Target Kicked Its Products Off the Shelves

‘Hampton Creek, a relative newcomer to the grocery aisle, debuted in 2011 as a sort of tech-minded answer to problems in the global food system that the company believed it could help solve through plant-based products. The brand’s signature product is Just Mayo, a popular mayonnaise product made without eggs.
Hampton Creek met with corporate pushback from entities that saw the company’s products as a threat. As Hampton Creek grew its product line to include everything from dressings to cookie dough, forging relationships with major distributors along the way, the organization faced scrutiny that smaller plant-oriented food companies have not.
Uniliever, which owns Hellman’s, initially sued Hampton Creek for false advertising due to Just Mayo’s lack of eggs. The suit was eventually dropped, and Just Mayo remained on the shelves. Hellman’s got in on the action by launching its own vegan mayo to compete.’
Read more: A Vegan Mayo Company Was Attacked in a Malicious Hoax—Then Target Kicked Its Products Off the Shelves

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