Al-Shabab bombing kills 12 in Somalia’s Puntland

‘The al-Shabab Takfiri terrorist group has claimed responsibility for a bomb attack that killed 12 people, including five soldiers, in Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region.
The Puntland military said the attack was carried out in the village of Af-Urur, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) south of the city of Bossaso, on Friday.
Major Mohamed Ismail, a Puntland military officer, said the explosion was caused by a bomb “planted near the khat market of Af-Urur.”
Af-Urur lies near the Galgala hills, an area held by the terrorists, who have attacked and seized the town several times. In June, al-Shabab terrorists killed 38 people there.
The Friday attack coincided with Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), an important festival on the Islamic calendar that marks the climax of the annual Hajj pilgrimage.’
Read more: Al-Shabab bombing kills 12 in Somalia’s Puntland

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