Alcohol industry accused of ‘downplaying’ risk of cancer from drinking too much

‘The alcohol industry is misleading consumers with distorted and distracting health messages that downplay any related risk of cancer, researchers claim.
The industry is using “denying, distortion and distraction” strategies to minimise evidence in activities that have parallels with those of the tobacco industry, according to a study led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) with Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet.
Researchers analysed information relating to cancer on the websites and documents of almost 30 alcohol industry organisations between September and December last year, finding that most showed “some sort of distortion or misrepresentation” of evidence.
The industry most commonly presented the relationship between alcohol and cancer as highly complex, implying there was no evidence of a consistent or independent link, the study, published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review, found.’
Read more: Alcohol industry accused of ‘downplaying’ risk of cancer from drinking too much

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