Amazon Echo devices now being given to UK retirees to remind them to take toxic medication

‘Amazon’s “Echo,” the handsfree, voice-controlled speaker for the uber-lazy, plays music, harnesses the abilities of the virtual assistant “Alexa” to phone or message on your behalf, can recognize voice commands from across a room, answers questions, delivers the latest traffic report, can give you the latest sports scores and reads to you, among many other things. And now, the failing British National Health Service (NHS) is harnessing its capabilities to give seniors less one-on-one care, while pushing as many pills down their throats as possible.
The U.K.’s Daily Mail recently reported that 50 pensioners in Hampshire County will be receiving Amazon Echos in their homes to remind them when to take their medications, alert them to appointments with their caregivers, monitor their liquid consumption by means of motion sensors (yes, you read that correctly) and enforce fitness schedules with suggestions for walking routes – presumably all tasks that real-life humans would previously have been responsible for. As the Mail reported, it is hoped that the Echo will help the council “avoid the need for any additional care packages.”’
Read more: Amazon Echo devices now being given to UK retirees to remind them to take toxic medication

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