As Aung San Suu Kyi’s biographer, I have to say that the only good thing she can do now is resign

‘But something has gone badly wrong. This has been evident for more than three years, but it has become glaringly clear since 25 August, when coordinated attacks by Muslim militants on police posts in Rakhine state provoked an army response so vastly disproportionate that it has driven something like a quarter of the Rohingya population into Bangladesh.
As Burma’s de facto ruler, Suu Kyi bears ultimate responsibility for this grotesque over-reaction. As the most admired and famous Burmese person in the world, she owed the world an explanation for it. But her response has been lamentable: silence, absurd claims from her office that the Rohingya were burning down their own villages, laments to Turkey’s President Erdogan about fake news. No indication at all that she shares in or even understands the outside world’s indignation.’
Read more: As Aung San Suu Kyi’s biographer, I have to say that the only good thing she can do now is resign

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