BBC again accused of undermining Britain with anti-Brexit coverage

‘The BBC once again stands accused of bias against Brexit, with Labour MP Kate Hoey suggesting the corporation actually risks undermining Britain’s negotiating position with its coverage.
Vauxhall MP Hoey, who fervently campaigned for Vote Leave, hit out at the BBC and its Newsnight presenter Evan Davis on Tuesday, saying: “Does anyone else think that @BBCNewsnight and @EvanHD seem to delight in undermining our country in EU negotiations #embitteredremainers”?
She found plenty of support for that view on social media, with one user suggesting ‘Remoaners’ should just accept the democratic vote…
…An independent inquiry by the News-Watch group in May found the BBC was “strongly biased against Brexit” in its coverage of the triggering of Article 50 under the Lisbon Treaty back in March, the provision officially kickstarting the two-year Brexit process.’
Read more: BBC again accused of undermining Britain with anti-Brexit coverage

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