Bhopal disaster victims may never get compensation following Dow-DuPont merger, fears UN official

‘The UN’s special rapporteur on hazardous substances and wastes has said that he is “deeply concerned” the merger between Dow Chemical and DuPont may erase any remaining possibility of the victims of the Bhopal disaster seeing an “effective remedy”, more than three decades on from the tragedy.
The two chemical giants completed the planned $130bn (£100bn) merger to form DowDuPont earlier this month, but Tuncak fears that appropriate justice for those affected by the 1984 deadly gas leak at the Union Carbide India pesticide plant will now be even more challenging to achieve.
Dow never owned or operated the factory that leaked the highly toxic methyl isocyanate fog in the early hours of 3 December 1984, but campaigners and Indian courts have tried to link it to the tragedy following its 2001 acquisition of Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) – the US-based majority owner of Union Carbide India (with 50.99 per cent shares) at the time of the disaster.’
Read more: Bhopal disaster victims may never get compensation following Dow-DuPont merger, fears UN official

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