Bill Nye slammed by real scientists for blaming hurricanes on ‘climate change’

‘If you’re a far-Left “progressive,” this won’t matter to you because you’re more than likely also a member in good standing of the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change, but TV personality Bill Nye really isn’t a “science guy.”
And he sure as the world isn’t a trained climatologist or even meteorologist. He’s a huckster who doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about when he discusses things like climate change other than what he’s read from other far-Left scientifically challenged researchers who are also members in good standing of the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change.
So really, it should come as no surprise that his idiocy regarding the recent hurricanes that have battered Texas and Florida has been called out by real climate scientists who understand that the climate and weather patterns have always changed and it has never been related to any human activity.’
Read more: Bill Nye slammed by real scientists for blaming hurricanes on ‘climate change’

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