‘Bollocks to Brexit!’ Protesters march on Labour conference demanding UK stays in the EU as Corbyn REFUSES to rule out keeping free movement and hints at INDEFINITE transition period

‘Jeremy Corbyn refused to rule out keeping free movement after Brexit today as he hinted that a transition period could go on indefinitely.
The Labour leader desperately dodged when pressed whether loose immigration rules should be maintained after we formally leave the EU.
And he said it was ‘impossible’ to put a timescale on how long the status quo should be maintained before ties are finally cut.
The desperate flannelling, in an interview to kick off the Labour conference in Brighton this morning, came as Labour faced a huge split on Brexit.
Some 30 MPs have signed a letter demanding that the UK stays in the single market and there is pressure for a vote to be held by delegates this week.
Pro-EU demonstrators also marched outside the conference venue today, calling for Labour to reverse the result of the historic referendum.’

Read more: ‘Bollocks to Brexit!’ Protesters march on Labour conference demanding UK stays in the EU as Corbyn REFUSES to rule out keeping free movement and hints at INDEFINITE transition period

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