Bombshell study shows that stress hormones caused by the FEAR of a cancer diagnosis interfere with cancer treatments… oncologists are killing people

‘Getting diagnosed with cancer is a highly stressful time in a person’s life. Even if their outcome is ultimately a favorable one, it’s often a long journey full of ups and downs. The stress and uncertainty are often highest in the beginning, when the extent of the illness is still being uncovered and the patient is coming to terms with the realities of the situation by breaking the news to family and friends and trying to decide the best course of treatment.
Unfortunately, this very natural reaction can work against cancer patients as studies show that stress hormones shield growing tumors from getting treated by cancer drugs. In an effort to learn more about how stress affects the body when a person undergoes cancer treatment, researchers from England’s University of Brighton looked at a chemotherapy drug that is commonly used to treat patients with breast cancer and how it reacted to stress hormones.
They found that when breast cancer cells were exposed to stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol, they generated free radicals, which essentially protected the tumors from the effects of the chemotherapy agent paclitaxel.’
Read more: Bombshell study shows that stress hormones caused by the FEAR of a cancer diagnosis interfere with cancer treatments… oncologists are killing people

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