Brexit: Government passes controversial ‘power grab’ motion allowing it to pass laws without Parliament

‘A controversial motion that will grant the government the power to scrutinise Brexit legislation without wider parliamentary input has been passed.
The motion, brought by Commons leader Andrea Leadsom was passed by 320 votes to 301 late on Tuesday night.
It means the Conservatives, despite not winning a majority at the general election, will take control of a powerful Commons committee, and grant themselves the power to replace some aspects of EU legislation without it being voted on or debated in parliament.
With parliament needing to change, amend or import wholesale thousands of laws and regulation to prepare the UK for its exit from the European Union, the EU Withdrawal Bill has been designed to allow for new laws and regulations to be passed via controversial legislative device called a statutory instrument, which are debated in tiny standing committees.
But the government has now voted to give itself a majority on the little known Committee of Selection, which decides the make up of those committees, and in so doing has seized control of the whole process.’
Read more: Brexit: Government passes controversial ‘power grab’ motion allowing it to pass laws without Parliament

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