Child behavior center forced minor into van and administered vaccine, lawsuit

‘In what sounds like a scene from a Hollywood thriller, court papers obtained by a Mississippi daily, #Clarion Ledger, claim Canopy Children’s Solutions violated Mississippi law and the discretionary requests of a parent and minor.
In February, the admission staff requested to the parents of the then 15-year-old girl, to undergo the HPV vaccine upon enrollment. The mother refused the request, which is permitted in Mississippi and the facility, according to the Clarion Ledger.
The lawsuit claims the center’s case manager insisted that the girl receives the controversial vaccine. The girl refused. The case manager tried coercing the girl and even threatened that the minor wouldn’t be allowed to see her family that weekend if she didn’t receive the vaccine, according to the court papers obtained by Clarion Ledger.
After a two hour struggle, where the 15-year-old physically resisted, she was then transported to a county health department, where she was injected the HPV vaccine, according to the same report. The court documents indicate Canopy Children’s Solutions admit to administering the vaccine, but deny forcing the girl and wrongdoing.’
Read more: Child behavior center forced minor into van and administered vaccine, lawsuit

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