Civilian deaths are ‘price you pay’ to beat Isis, says British general in Iraq

‘A British general in Iraq has said the deaths of innocent people caught up in coalition air strikes against Isis are the “price you pay” for defeating the extremists.
More than 5,000 civilians have been killed in attacks by the US-led mission against militant strongholds in Iraq and Syria, independent figures suggest. Officials put the number at about 700.
Major-General Rupert Jones said it was impossible to target the “evil” extremists, who are holed up in densely packed cities, without collateral impacts that included the loss of women and children.
RAF fighter planes and drones were deployed in the successful mission to wrest back control of Mosul in Iraq, with the last west Mosul neighbourhood liberated in July.
Kurdish intelligence officials previously told The Independent that as many as 40,000 died in the battle for Mosul alone, most from a combination of international air strikes and artillery strikes on the ground.’
Read more: Civilian deaths are ‘price you pay’ to beat Isis, says British general in Iraq

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