Corruption and bribery trial begins for US senator

‘Senator Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) is facing a federal trial for bribery and corruption, the first for a sitting senator in over a decade. Menendez has denied the charges of lobbying on behalf of a Florida doctor and accepting gifts and donations.
The case could end Menendez’s political career if he is convicted. It could also shift the US Senate further towards the GOP, as Governor Chris Christie would most likely nominate a Republican to replace him.
“Not once have I dishonored my public office,” Menendez told reporters as he headed to a New Jersey courthouse in Newark on Wednesday, according to AP.
The 63-year-old Democrat was indicted two years ago by federal prosecutors on 12 counts, including charges of bribery, conspiracy, honest services fraud and violations of the Federal Travel Act.
“The purpose of the conspiracy was for the defendants to use Menendez’s official position as a United States Senator to benefit and enrich themselves through bribery,” the indictment said.’
Read more: Corruption and bribery trial begins for US senator

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