Court ruling now means the NYT can lie about anyone with impunity… ‘fake news’ was just rubber stamped by the courts

‘Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against The New York Times has been dismissed by a federal judge in a move that could subject us to even bolder lies being printed by media outlets in the future.
In the piece at the center of the lawsuit, The New York Times stated that Jared Loughner opened fire at a Tucson political event because he had been influenced by a political ad that was published by a pro-Palin political action committee. He killed six people and seriously wounded 18 others, including then-Representative Gabby Giffords (D-Arizona).
It was later discovered that the schizophrenic Loughner had never even seen the map and his obsession had started three years before it was ever published, but that didn’t stop the paper from mentioning it in an editorial that was published following an incident in which a left-wing activist shot Republican Congressional members who were practicing for a Congressional baseball game.’
Read more: Court ruling now means the NYT can lie about anyone with impunity… ‘fake news’ was just rubber stamped by the courts

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