Damning evidence Cuba’s launched a sci-fi sonic weapon at America: How 21 US diplomats were hit by hearing and memory loss – and even mild brain damage – after suspicious attack

‘The attacks have usually come at night. Many victims say they never noticed anything amiss. Others insist they have definitely felt or heard something — either vibrations or any number of odd sounds including a loud ringing, a scraping noise and a high-pitched chirping like the noise made by crickets or cicadas. Several said the noises came in minute-long bursts.
One diplomat described being jolted awake in a Havana hotel room by a grinding, blaring cacophony. When he moved a few feet across the room, the noise stopped. When he got back into bed, the agonising sound hit him again — as if, he told doctors, he had walked through some invisible wall cutting straight down the middle of his room.
Whether they heard anything or not, the consequences have been unmistakable — symptoms ranging from nose bleeds, nausea, dizziness and severe headaches to mild brain damage and permanent hearing or memory loss. Oddly, as soon as some of the victims left Cuba, they stopped hearing noises.’
Read more: Damning evidence Cuba’s launched a sci-fi sonic weapon at America: How 21 US diplomats were hit by hearing and memory loss – and even mild brain damage – after suspicious attack

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