Defiant Theresa May takes on bosses over crackdown on migrants: PM says businesses need to end reliance on cheap labour and do more to train British workers

‘Business leaders clashed with the Government over Brexit yesterday after Theresa May pledged to curb the flow of cheap, low-skilled labour from Europe.
Business lobby groups reacted with fury to leaked Government proposals outlining a tough new immigration system after Britain leaves the EU.
Downing Street hit back, saying business needs to end its reliance on cheap migrant labour and do more to train British workers. Mrs May said ministers had a duty to curb immigration after last year’s EU referendum, and restated her pledge to slash net immigration to the ‘tens of thousands’.
But the Government was in disarray as Cabinet ministers, including Home Secretary Amber Rudd, Chancellor Philip Hammond and Business Secretary Greg Clark are understood to have concerns about slashing immigration from the EU too quickly.’
Read more: Defiant Theresa May takes on bosses over crackdown on migrants: PM says businesses need to end reliance on cheap labour and do more to train British workers 

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