Delta Air Lines Price Gouges Hurricane Irma Evacuee’s Plane Ticket 600%

‘Delta’s in trouble again.
The airline was accused of “jacking” up the price of one of their flights nearly 600 percent after a traveler tried to book a flight out of Miami in the midst of Hurricane Irma Tuesday. Leigh Dow, a public relations executive, was trying to safely evacuate from the hurricane area and not pleased with the price gouging. She took to Twitter to vent her discontent to her nearly 19,000 followers.
Dow posted a screenshot of the price change. The photo showed her flight from Miami to Phoenix was raised from $547.50 to $3,258.50. “Jacking from $547 to over $3200 for people trying to evacuate responsibly?”’
Read more: Delta Air Lines Price Gouges Hurricane Irma Evacuee’s Plane Ticket 600%

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