Dems Tied Their Horse to Soros

Thousands of Americans continue to sign a petition demanding that the US government declare billionaire financier George Soros a domestic terrorist and strip him of all of his assets. American political analyst Jim Hoft explained to Sputnik Radio why Americans are so outraged with the 87-year-old investor.

Thousands of Americans continue to sign the petition, which calls on the US government to declare billionaire George Soros a domestic terrorist and strip him of all of his assets. It has reached the threshold needed for an official response by the White House.

In the petition, the activists accuse the investor of trying to “destabilize” the United States through organizations founded and sponsored by the billionaire. According to the activists, Soros’ organizations aim to “facilitate the collapse of the systems and constitutional government.” The signatories of the petition ask the US government to confiscate all personal and organizational wealth controlled by George Soros under the Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

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Jim Hoft, an American writer and political activist, as well as the founder of the blog Gateway Pundit, explained to Sputnik Radio what developments in the US came as a direct result of the influence of the 87-year-old billionaire.

“Soros today has a huge impact on the Democratic Party in the US; there are so many of his pictures with Barack Obama and with the Clintons. The Democratic Party is extremely influenced with the radical decisions of George Soros because he is a ‘big money man’ and gives much money for his causes,” he told Sputnik.

The aim of George Soros is to destabilize the system in the US, he went on to say. When Donald Trump was elected he was behind all those marches and some of these groups which were posting editorials to drive out the “Trump regime”. He wanted to destabilize America, change America.

He is for opening borders, Jim Hoft said. He is also suspected of pushing the open borders initiative in Europe which has led to a catastrophic immigration influx. He is against maintaining strong US external borders and the arrival of more migrants into the US.

“Democrats tied their horse to Soros causes, and it seems that he’s is the one pulling strings in background,” he stated.

It seems that every far-left movement in American has some sort of ties with George Soros, whether these are direct ties, or simply sums of money he shuffles to one group that shuffles to another and which end up at some far-left organization or event, Jim Hoft said. He has been very open and very generous with his funding of some really very radical movements in America.

The political activist resides in St. Louis, Missouri; back in 2014 in nearby Ferguson, a young unarmed black man named Michael Brown was shot by police officer Darren Wilson. This led to several riots and resulted in months of chaos.

“Afterwards, we found out that Soros was actually funneling money to some of these far-left radical groups that did such extensive damage to the city and turned things upside down in the country,” Jim Hoft said.

These were the types of organizations and groups that Soros was funding at the time, he said. He gave millions of US dollars to some of these groups. A lot of these activists were compensated with Soros money, such as the paid activists of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Black Lives Matter, as we all know, is an organization that hates US law enforcement. Its goal was to diminish law enforcement in the country and to create doubt among Americans about law enforcement,” he said.

Soros was also very active in the Occupy movement during Barack Obama’s terms, when a lot of these radical groups were taking over city parks and putting up tents and living there, the political activist explained. Those were very violent groups and illegal gatherings. This radical group was trying to bring down the economic system in the US.

“Soros was behind these radical groups, funneling money to them. So, he has been very destructive in a lot of his choices here in America and it looks like he is also getting some pushback in places like Hungary, Israel and in other parts of the world,” he said.

The petition gathered over 100,000 signatures, the threshold required for the Trump administration to be forced into making a formal response. Jim Hoft however, doubts that “it will go in that direction.”

“It does, however, bring awareness of him and his tactics, influence, his causes. The majority of Americans would reject a lot of his causes that he is pushing. Americans want a safe place to live. They want to respect law enforcement. Most Americans like the system they have. Most Americans like borders and it was clearly seen with Donald Trump, as it was a big issue when he won the elections,” he concluded.

Reprinted from Sputnik News.

The post Dems Tied Their Horse to Soros appeared first on LewRockwell.

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