Did the Egyptians Know How to Transfer Consciousness From One Entity to Another?

‘In the movie 21 Grams, the idea is presented that upon the moment of death, the human body instantaneously loses exactly 21 grams – supposedly the weight of the soul. Though this is not scientifically proven, there seems to be evidence that our consciousness is indeed a transferable entity – and the ancient Egyptians likely knew exactly how to transfer consciousness, or the soul, from one person to another.
There is a similar aim within DARPA and the Shadow Government’s pricey experiments. The merging of humans and machines is already happening whereupon human consciousness is “uploaded” into AI computers. Mind uploading is expected to be in full force by 2045, but has it been done already, long ago?
Before we examine the ancient history of uploading consciousness, let’s look at a few examples in recent Hollywood history which suggest this is already being done.’
Read more: Did the Egyptians Know How to Transfer Consciousness From One Entity to Another?

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