Dishonest Abe

Review from

Excellent! Revealing look at the true evil genius of the man who is responsible for the deaths (not to mention the rape and pillage) of more Americans than anyone in history. As with most things, follow the money and you get to the true root of most things, including why Lincoln and the Whig/Republicans would be satisfied only by a war of conquest and domination against the southern people.

Time to buy old US gold coins

From Publishers Weekly

In this laughable screed, a senior fellow at the libertarian/free market Ludwig von Mises Institute charges that most scholars of the Civil War are part of a “Lincoln cult” and determined to fool the American public into thinking that our 16th president was a hero. At the root of the author’s loathing of Lincoln is an ideological commitment to states’ sovereignty, a doctrine largely undone by the Civil War. DiLorenzo believes that the centralized nation-state that emerged after the war is incompatible with true democracy. His supposed revelations–-that Northerners owned slaves into the 19th century; that Lincoln advocated the relocation of black Americans to Liberia; that Lincoln did not, at the outset of the war, aim to end slavery—are well known to anyone who has read one of the many recent books on Lincoln. But Lincoln is not DiLorenzo’s real target; he saves his most vitriolic bombast for the scholars who dominate American universities (most notably Eric Foner) and who, he charges, are “cover-up artists” and “propagandists.” DiLorenzo accuses them of using their Lincoln mythology to advocate big government and other “imperialistic” and “totalitarian” policies. DiLorenzo accuses the “cultists” of having a political agenda. He may well be hoisted by his own petard. (Publishers Weekly…Oct.)

The post Dishonest Abe appeared first on LewRockwell.

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