Doctors about to be replaced by hospital AI systems offering better diagnosis and less arrogance

‘Framingham, Massachusetts-based market intelligence provider IDC Health Insights, in its recently published report on artificial intelligence and cognitive computing adoption in the Asia/Pacific titled IDC Peerscape: Cognitive/AI Practices for Healthcare in Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan), stated the best possible healthcare solutions that hospitals and health insurance companies all around the Asia-Pacific countries should adopt.
“Hospitals will not just use AI/Cognitive for automation or accuracy anymore. Implementation will aim to augment the low availability of healthcare specialists in the region. Emerging solutions are already helping hospitals improve on medical image diagnoses using deep learning and allowing for large scale diagnostic efforts with minimal human inputs,” said Health Insights Asia/Pacific research manager Ashwin Moduga.’
Read more: Doctors about to be replaced by hospital AI systems offering better diagnosis and less arrogance

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