Don’t Believe Whole Foods—There’s Nothing ‘Humane’ About Its Meat

‘Whole Foods goes further that any other major grocer to advertise its alleged humane treatment of animals. Consumers are confronted with mountains of marketing materials praising the happy lives of the animals raised on the farms who produce the products that line Whole Foods’ shelves.
The implication of these materials to consumers is that the company cares about the treatment of animals and the purchase of animal-based products can be accomplished without causing suffering. Competitors may hurt animals, but Whole Foods can be trusted.
It’s clever marketing that doesn’t represent reality.
The company’s written animal welfare standards are jargon-intensive but often meaningless. For example, Whole Foods claims that its chickens aren’t raised “in cages.” This implies that competitors’ chickens are raised in battery cages. Such cages aren’t even legal in some parts of the U.S., and numerous major brands already committed to eliminating them altogether.’
Read more: Don’t Believe Whole Foods—There’s Nothing ‘Humane’ About Its Meat

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