Fake News: Typical Deception by the Mainstream Media

‘Here’s a common example of authentically fake-news journalism, the type that’s pervasive in the U.S. — not something like “Saddam’s WMD,” which changed history, but the ordinary everyday type of lies by the American press, being mixed-in with truths so as not to be 100% fictitious, but just enough truths so as to gild the lily of lies that all of the ‘news’media, right and left, glorify, in a bipartisan way, as ‘Truth’, which is the most normal type of American ‘news’-reporting of all — bipartisan, while still being extremely partisan against truth, which is carefully (and assiduously) hidden:
On Wednesday, August 30th, the New York Times headlined “U.N. Peacekeepers in Lebanon Get Stronger Inspection Powers for Hezbollah Arms”, and opened by saying:
The United Nations Security Council on Wednesday voted to renew the peacekeeping mission in Lebanon for another year after addressing American and Israeli complaints that the force was ignoring a Hezbollah arms buildup near Israel’s border.’
Read more: Fake News: Typical Deception by the Mainstream Media

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