Finland Considers Giving Returning Islamic State Fighters Priority Housing

‘Around 80 Finnish citizens have travelled to the Middle East to fight for Islamic State, and now the government is considering allowing those who return to skip housing queues to help them ‘reintegrate’ into society.
Finland’s Interior Ministry has also called on local governments to support returning Islamic State militants in getting jobs, Ilta-Sanomat reports.
The newspaper noted that the proposal was highly controversial and could even lead to returning jihadists committing violence, including terrorism, in Finland. The ministry acknowledged the problem but said that it was up to social workers to consider the practicalities.
The city of Vantaa agreed with the ministry proposal saying that the current welfare system has no provisions for those returning from military battlefields. Anna Cantell-Forsbom, the head of the Vantaa family service department, said: “I believe that if reintegration into society is considered one of the best mechanisms against radicalisation, then an apartment, work training are of paramount importance.”’
Read more: Finland Considers Giving Returning Islamic State Fighters Priority Housing

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