Fluoride Eats Windows Says Boardman Who Sided With Anti-Fluoride Activists

‘As people wake up to the true nature of fluoride added to the drinking water supply, expect to hear more of these bold voices at town meetings.
Despite what we’ve all been told about fluoride as a cavity preventative, it’s really an industrial-grade, waste byproduct of the fertilizer industry, called hydrofluorosilicic acid. Pictures have circulated social media even showing the corrosive chemical eating through metal.
As you can imagine, there is no human deficiency for this waste byproduct and it carries risk to health and intellect.
Potsdam is a village in New York in St. Lawrence County. The village Board of Trustees there met last Tuesday to discuss whether the fluoridation equipment at the water treatment plant should be replaced or removed.
This made the board members begin researching fluoridation. However, the topic of the meeting was never supposed to be about the merits or demerits of fluoridating public water. That’s when the levy broke, so to speak.’
Read more: Fluoride Eats Windows Says Boardman Who Sided With Anti-Fluoride Activists

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