Food Truck Giving Free Food To Hurricane Workers, Kicked Out Of Town For Not Having A Permit

‘After Irma devastated Florida, most restaurants and stores were shut down in certain areas. Green Cove Springs was one of those places. So, when Jack Roundtree, owner of the Triple J BBQ food truck, arrived in town, not only was he welcomed with open arms — he was desperately needed. As he sold BBQ to paying customers, Roundtree used the extra money to feed utility workers for free for all their hard work. However, once officials saw a man who’d dare sell food in their town without paying them first, police were called in to make quick work of this entrepreneurial good Samaritan.
Shut down and get out of town—is what Roundtree was told by local authorities for both providing charity and a much-needed product and service. Why was Roundtree told to get out of town, you ask? Well, he hadn’t paid the local government for the ‘privilege’ to sell food to those in need inside Green Cove Springs.’
Read more: Food Truck Giving Free Food To Hurricane Workers, Kicked Out Of Town For Not Having A Permit

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