Forbes pulls story critical of Google in order to appease techno tyrant

‘Google is starting to look more and more like a bully with each passing day. Through a series of algorithms and guidelines, they are actively targeting conservative voices on the Internet that do not conform to the progressive agenda. In a pathetic attempt to hide the fact that this is anything but a politicized witch hunt, Google often claims that it is suppressing these voices in the interest of combating “hate speech,” a strategy that has also been used by social media companies like Facebook and Twitter as of late. What’s worse is that this strategy appears to be working – Google is successfully controlling which content is acceptable and which isn’t, and all the while, the freedom of speech is being tossed out the window.
Late last month, former Forbes writer Kashmir Hill published an article on discussing an experience she had with Google a few years back, whereby the search engine giant censored an article that was critical of the way in which the company operates.’
Read more: Forbes pulls story critical of Google in order to appease techno tyrant

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