Former school governor, 72, who imported 3ft life-like child sex doll is jailed for 16 months for ‘ordering obscene item’ in first conviction of its kind

‘A sick ex-school governor and churchwarden who imported a child sex doll into Britain has been jailed.
David Turner, 72, from Ramsgate, Kent, was today sentenced to 16 months in prison after he admitted importing and having sex with the life-like 3ft 10in model.
It comes after Turner pleaded guilty, thereby accepting the doll was obscene or indecent, in a UK first.
Officers also found 29 fictional stories – which described sexual abuse of children but fell outside the Obscene Publications Act – when they searched Turner’s home.
One of these Turner wrote after dreaming about having sex with a child, the court heard.’
Read more: Former school governor, 72, who imported 3ft life-like child sex doll is jailed for 16 months for ‘ordering obscene item’ in first conviction of its kind

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