France strikes: Workers stage mass protests at Macron’s plans to weaken labour laws

‘Workers across France walked out on strike on Tuesday in protest at Emmanuel Macron’s plans to weaken the country’s labour laws.
Around 4,000 stoppages were called across the country, with 180 separate street protests staged nationwide and the largest marches concentrated in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, and Nantes.
The strikes were a show of force by the radical Confédération générale du travail (CGT) union, the largest and most active labour federation in France – which wants to push the President into dropping his plans.
Public transport was disrupted in Nice, with some disruption to metro services in Paris. High-speed intercity trains, including the Eurostar, were mostly running as normal, however.’
Read more: France strikes: Workers stage mass protests at Macron’s plans to weaken labour laws

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