‘Global emergency’: World running out of antibiotics, warns WHO

‘The World Health Organization has issued a dire warning that we are running out of antibiotics and not producing new medications quickly enough.
The report, released Tuesday, said there is a “serious lack” of new antibiotics being developed to fight the growing number of infections resistant to existing antibiotics. Moreover, the majority of drugs currently in the clinical pipeline are simply modifications to existing antibiotics and are “only short-term solutions”.
“The report found very few potential treatment options for those antibiotic-resistant infections identified by WHO as posing the greatest threat to health, including drug-resistant tuberculosis which kills around 250,000 people each year,” read the WHO statement.
There is an urgent need for more investment into the research and development of antibiotic-resistant infections such as TB, says the WHO’s Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.’
Read more: ‘Global emergency’: World running out of antibiotics, warns WHO

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