Hundreds of thousands rally for Catalan’s independence from Spain

‘Hundreds of thousands of people have staged a rally in Barcelona to show support for Catalonia’s separation from Spain in the upcoming independence referendum.
An estimated 400,000 Catalans from all walks of life marched through central Barcelona on Monday, waving red, yellow and blue separatist flags in a show of strength three weeks ahead of a breakaway referendum declared as “illegal” by Madrid.
The rally coincided with Catalonia’s national day, which commemorates the fall of Barcelona to Spain in 1714 and is traditionally used by pro-independence activists to call for secession.
“If there is huge mobilization, they can’t do anything in Madrid,” says Jordi Calatayud, a 21-year-old economics student attending the rally. “Catalan people will make independence possible, if there are a lot of us, they can’t stop us.”‘

Read more: Hundreds of thousands rally for Catalan’s independence from Spain

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