Hurricane Irma headed for ‘catastrophic’ impact… fuel shortages strand Floridians… no escape for many

‘There’s something to be said about getting out of the way when bad things are headed in your direction. In the same way that you should never stand on the railroad tracks and play chicken with an approaching train, you probably shouldn’t challenge a category-5 hurricane to a game of “who’s the bigger badass.”
Truth be told, Irma is the bigger badass.
Updated storm tracks from the NOAA predict the storm savaging Miami, then barreling its way through Georgia and even Tennessee. Along the way, it’s going to unload outrageous winds on Orlando, Gainesville and possibly even Macon, Georgia. Mass evacuations have been announced and over 650,000 Floridians are currently attempting to flee the state.
Fuel shortages are being reported across Florida, causing some residents to be unable to flee. Via
The only way to drive out of the Florida peninsula is northward, and motorists leaving Miami have found many gas stations cordoned off with yellow tape, signaling they were closed due to lack of fuel.’
Read more: Hurricane Irma headed for ‘catastrophic’ impact… fuel shortages strand Floridians… no escape for many

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