India not ruling out ‘two-fronted’ war with China, Pakistan: Army chief

‘India is likely to get involved in a “two-fronted” war with China and Pakistan, Indian Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat has warned, accusing Beijing of taking over what he called Indian territories and slamming Islamabad for running a “proxy war” inside his country.
“As far as northern adversary is concerned, the flexing of muscle has started. The salami slicing, taking over territory in a very gradual manner, [and] testing our limits of threshold is something we have to be wary about and remain prepared for situations emerging which could gradually emerge into conflict,” he said at a seminar organized by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies think tank in New Delhi on Wednesday.
China and India have long been at odds over controlling Doklam, a remote plateau in the Himalayas, which is also claimed by India’s ally, Bhutan. The row led to a brief border war in 1962 out of which China emerged victorious.
The Indian army chief warned that the region’s current tensions, which escalated two months ago, could snowball into a larger conflict on the northern border.’
Read more: India not ruling out ‘two-fronted’ war with China, Pakistan: Army chief

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