Iraq urges world countries not to buy oil from Kurdish region

‘Iraq’s central government has called on the world countries not to purchase oil from the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in response to a highly controversial referendum on independence, which the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is set to hold on Monday in clear defiance of Baghdad.
According to a statement released by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s office on Sunday, the government also asked the Kurdish region to hand over control of international border posts and its international airports.
The statement also called on foreign countries to “exclusively” deal with Baghdad with regards to airports and borders.
The planned referendum has raised fears of a fresh conflict in the region, which is trying to emerge from years of a campaign of death and destruction by Daesh Takfiri terrorists. The international community and the regional countries alike are strongly opposed to the referendum, saying the partitioning of Iraq could touch off a fresh bout of violence across the region.’
Read more: Iraq urges world countries not to buy oil from Kurdish region

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