Israel detains hundreds of Africans without trial each year: Report

‘Israel detains hundreds of African asylum seekers without trial every year, with the approval of its top authorities, the Haaretz daily has reported, citing data released recently.
New official figures show that the Israeli regime has put a total of 311 African refugees behind bars without trial in the past 15 months, the paper said on Sunday.
According to the figures, 223 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees were held without trial at the request of Israeli police between January 2016 and March 2017 and an additional 88 remained in detention after serving out prison sentences.
Israeli authorities justify the detentions by a law that allows the confinement of an individual whose release allegedly endangers their security, public safety or public health.
Israel’s top court has criticized the practice of denying freedom to the refugees who cannot be deported legally but has not prohibited the refugees’ detention without trial.’
Read more: Israel detains hundreds of Africans without trial each year: Report

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