LaRouche: Don’t Discuss it—Just DO it!

All of a sudden it has become blindingly obvious that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin—just like his spiritual ancestor, France’s “Spider King” Louis XI—has been weaving and reweaving a web of potential close economic cooperation between North and South Korea and Russia—and with China and other partners as well. This was the original “LaRouche Plan” for peace in the Korean Peninsula, which worked until the day in 2002 that it was sabotaged through “outside forces” working with then-Vice President Cheney, and afterwards President Obama. Putin has been weaving this web with indispensable support from China—but also, it appears, from certain forces in Washington.

When this was brought to the attention of Lyndon LaRouche, he said, “Don’t discuss it. Don’t rehash the details. Don’t waste any time—just do it! And by doing it—NOW!—you will force the hand of those forces in Washington who oppose it. They will be exposed, ready to be neutralized.”

At just the same moment, the worst Atlantic hurricane ever recorded, with 180 mph winds peaking at almost 300 mph, has been moving through the Caribbean, leaving some of the British colonial islands in ruins unimaginable for the 21st Century. The Prime Minister of Barbuda, for example, said that 90% of its buildings had been destroyed and 60% of its population was homeless. The British masters had done absolutely nothing to prepare for the deluge—but why would they?

But the U.S. government, led by President Trump, is aware, on top of the situation, and mobilizing the appropriate resources for Florida and other threatened areas—and this in turn will permit the population, both the first-responders and citizen-volunteers, to show the heroism they showed so magnificently in Houston. We will respond as required. We will rebuild as rapidly as can be done. Everything has changed since Katrina and Sandy.

In the Caribbean, the United States must offer the full-bore Army Corps of Engineers program which Lyndon LaRouche and former President Bill Clinton proposed for Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Monster-President Obama shot that plan down, so that Haiti, still in ruins today, is now working with China towards rebuilding the country.

But our urgent and necessary rebuilding must be only the springboard for a full national infrastructure program, beginning now with masses of Federal credit and in cooperation with China. Not only will we limit the scope of such storm-related disasters in the future, but we will transform our entire economy from the disaster we inherited from Bush and Obama, into the great agro-industrial power which the world and all Americans need now.

On this, Lyndon LaRouche said again, “Don’t waste time discussing it. Just do it! And we will see who tries to prevent it—it will be obvious!”

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