Latest face-reading AI will detect your IQ, sexual orientation and political beliefs

‘At the recent unveiling of their newest iPhone models, Apple bragged about their use of face-reading artificial intelligence (AI). The phones will use the technology in place of fingerprint readers and numeric passcodes to unlock them, and Apple claims the Face ID system is so smart that it can even identify people when they are wearing masks. However, the approach is drawing a lot of scrutiny from those who feel it infringes too much on their privacy. Some experts are pointing out just how far face-reading AI can go – and it’s a very scary prospect.
Stanford University Data Scientist and Psychologist Dr. Michal Kosinski says that such programs will be capable not only of reading your face for authentication purposes but also of determining your sexual orientation. He also believes that algorithms will soon be able to determine whether people have certain personality traits or are predisposed to criminal behavior based on their faces.’
Read more: Latest face-reading AI will detect your IQ, sexual orientation and political beliefs

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