Litter fines set to DOUBLE: Rubbish louts now face £150 on-the-spot penalty while late payers will be forced to stump up £300

‘Litter louts face on-the-spot fines of £150 under plans being drawn up by ministers.
Town halls have been asking for the penalty to increase sharply from £80 and to rise to £300 for those who pay late.
They would be able to use the proceeds as they wish – raising fears that councils will use litter patrols as a cash cow.
Councils have had the power to hand out spot fines for littering, and other offences including dog fouling and fly-posting, for more than 25 years.
Theresa May’s election manifesto promised to ‘do more to reduce litter’, and a review of the level of fines has been launched.’
Read more: Litter fines set to DOUBLE: Rubbish louts now face £150 on-the-spot penalty while late payers will be forced to stump up £300

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