‘Macron’s law is for the bosses’: Unions lead protests against France labour code reform

‘Tens of thousands of people took to the streets across France to protest a labor code overhaul that is set to be approved by the government of Emmanuel Macron on Friday, but lower numbers compared to previous demonstrations suggested that resistance is waning.
“Withdraw all decrees” and “The law is for the bosses” were among the placards seen across France’s leading cities, in demonstrations organized by the influential left-wing CGT workers’ union, and France’s student union among others.
Police and organizer attendance estimates varied widely. Authorities said that 16,000 people came out in Paris, and marchers over 55,000; in Marseille police counted only 4,500 demonstrators versus 50,000 claimed by the unions.
In either case, attendance was a notch below similar marches last week, and several times smaller than the previous mass labor protests against the government of Francois Hollande last summer.’
Read more: ‘Macron’s law is for the bosses’: Unions lead protests against France labour code reform

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