May’s Brexit breakdown: UK must settle ‘divorce bill’ says EU’s chief negotiator

‘Hopes that Theresa May’s Florence speech would break the deadlock in EU talks have been dashed after the bloc said her proposed transitional period could not be discussed until the UK settled its Brexit divorce bill.
Despite initial signs that Ms May’s speech may help move things forward, the UK and EU negotiating teams ended the first day of further talks in Brussels in deadlock.
Chief Brussels negotiator Michel Barnier explicitly ruled out transition-deal talks until the divorce bill, citizens’ rights, and Northern Ireland are dealt with, while Brexit Secretary David Davis ruled out settling Britain’s divorce bill without discussing Britain’s future relationship with the EU.
It comes as German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s key aide called Brexit an “awful complicated mess”.’
Read more: May’s Brexit breakdown: UK must settle ‘divorce bill’ says EU’s chief negotiator

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